Federal Consumer Protection Agency
Objective of the Mexican Governmental Organisation 'PROFECO'
Protect consumers against abuses or fraud by companies operating in Mexico.
Provide information to help consumers make good decisions when they need to buy products.
Inform the community about their rights and obligations as consumers.
Create and put in practice new methods to provide prompt attention for consumer complaints.
Examples for when to turn to them:
your contractor, service provider, supplier turns out to not have the promised abilities or qualifications to provide or fullfil the services he sold to you (Fraudulent)
su contratista, proveedor de servicios o suministrador resulta no tener las capacidades o cualificaciones prometidas para prestar o cumplir los servicios que le vendió (Fraude)

National Water Commission
Objective of the Mexican Governmental Organisation 'CONAGUA'
Currently, the mission of the National Water Commission is to manage and preserve national waters, with the participation of society, in order to achieve sustainable use of the resource.
Actualmente, la misión de la Comisión Nacional del Agua consiste en administrar y preservar las aguas nacionales, con la participación de la sociedad, para lograr el uso sustentable del recurso.
Examples for when to turn to them:
illegal well drilling
privatisation of illegally drilled well water or its distribution (selling it)
Contamination of water (i.e inadequately or malfunctioning installed septic tanks, waste water flowing into the ocean)

Secretary (of the Government) for Environment and Natural Resources"
Objective of the Mexican Governmental Organisation 'SEMARNAT'
Crear, coordinar y aplicar la polÃtica ambiental en una perspectiva integral que promueva la cultura ecológica en los mexiquenses, a fin de proteger, aprovechar y conservar de manera sustentable los recursos naturales de la entidad.
To create, coordinate and apply the environmental policy in an integral perspective that promotes an ecological culture in the people of Mexico, in order to protect, take advantage of and conserve in a sustainable manner the natural resources of the entity.
The conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and their biodiversity.
Pollution prevention and control.
Integral management of water resources.
Combating climate change.
Examples for when to turn to them:
blockage of public beach acceses
Illegal construction
Burning trash
Bloqueo de accesos a playas públicas
Construcción ilegal
Quema de basura

Objective of the the Mexican Governmental Organisation 'SECRETARY FOR WOMEN'
Coordinate, encourage, promote and execute public policies, programs and actions related to substantive equality between women and men so that they have access to a better quality of life.
Examples for when to turn to them:
Acts of violence or threats against women
Legal consultancy
domestic violence

National Human Rights Organization
Objective of the the Mexican Governmental Organisation 'CNDH':
The essential purpose of the CNDH is the protection of human rights, and it also carries out other activities such as the observance, promotion, study and dissemination of human rights.
Examples for when to turn to them:
No legal access or the denial of legal access to water and/or electricity
General security issues or conducts of violence such as shootings
impunity, corruption, discrimination and/or racism
To be continued.